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We greatly appreciate you all! Happy Nurse Day #nurseday #accessbasiccare
Workplace health and safety also referred to as occupational health and safety refers to the right of every employee, regardless of industry, to carry out his daily work in a safe environment. 
The Former Chief Operating Officer(COO) Mrs Dolapo Oyedipe has been Appointed as the New CEO of the Foundation while Dr (Mrs) Florence Ajimobi remains the Founder of the Organization.
World Malaria Day is observed annually on 25 April, to bring global attention to the efforts being made to bring an end to malaria, and encourage action to prevent transmission, treat the illness and prevent death from the disease. Any raised body temperature (fever)? Get yourself tested at Access to
In commemoration of World Cancer Day February 4th, ABC Foundation representative Dr Olusola Oriniowo went on air to speak on Cancer. He talked extensively on the types, risk factors, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment on The Beat 97.9fm and Fresh 105.9fm. People called in to make enquiries, asked questions and

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