Did you know that the month of April is Testicular Cancer Month?
Testicular cancer is a potentially deadly disease and the most popular cancer among men aged 20-35. Testicular cancer can develop in 1 or both testicles in men. The testicles are made up of several types of cells, each of which may develop into 1 or more types of cancer.
The symptoms of testicular cancer include a lump or enlargement of either testicle, other symptoms include testicular pain or discomfort; testicular enlargement; aches in the abdomen, back, or groin; or a fluid collection in the scrotum.
Testicular cancer is diagnosed by the patient’s history, ultrasound, and blood tests that measure testicular tumour markers. Biopsy of testicular tissue may be done.
The best hope for early detection of testicular cancer is a simple three-minute self-examination once a month. The best time to do this testicular self-exam is during or after a warm bath or shower when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed.
• Hold the testicle between your thumbs and fingers of both hands and roll it gently between your fingers.
• Look and feel for any hard lumps or smooth rounded bumps or any change in the size, shape, or consistency of the testicles.
Testicular cancer can be cured by surgery, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy; side effects include infertility and treatments may affect sexual function. Other side effects are due to radiation and chemotherapy.