
ABC COO Represents The First Lady of Oyo State at BRECAN 20th Anniversary and 3rd International Breast Cancer Symposium.

Access to Basic medical Care Foundation Chief Operating Officer, Mrs Dolapo Oyedipe represented The First Lady of Oyo state, Her Excellency Dr Mrs Florence Ajimobi at the Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria (BRECAN) 20th anniversary and her 3rd International Breast Cancer Symposium.

The event was aimed at educating and informing the public, the government, members of the medical community and Breast Cancer advocates on the current situation and what needs to be done by each group towards eradicating this scourge called BREAST CANCER.

The event was also an opportunity to meet and network with people like the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Cierra Sisters Inc Washington, Bridget Hempstead (breast cancer survivor) amongst others.

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